Home / 饮水思源 Brooch
This client wanted a lucky brooch to remind her of her roots; to look back on the source of all the joy in her life. So we took on the Chinese idioms 饮水思源 and 年年有鱼 to craft a multi-wear, multi-way brooch. The beautiful Moonstone koi fish can swim freely and also return to the source — a pinkish red Tourmaline cabochon, whenever they felt like it. Designed to be worn together or separately, this bejewelled work of art is both majestic and cheeky, exactly the way we like it at MADLY.
This client wanted a lucky brooch to remind her of her roots; to look back on the source of all the joy in her life. So we took on the Chinese idioms 饮水思源 and 年年有鱼 to craft a multi-wear, multi-way brooch. The beautiful Moonstone koi fish can swim freely and also return to the source — a pinkish red Tourmaline cabochon, whenever they felt like it. Designed to be worn together or separately, this bejewelled work of art is both majestic and cheeky, exactly the way we like it at MADLY.